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According to Wikipedia "Fashion is a form of self-expression and autonomy at a particular period and place and in a specific context, of clothing, footwear, lifestyle, accessories, makeup, hairstyle, perfume, and body posture. In its everyday use, the term implies a look defined by the fashion industry as that which is trending"

We express ourselves through fashion, from your hair style to your earrings, shoes, necklaces, bracelet, rings, dress and even your choice of make up, each of theses things makes you unique. An old saying goes "Dress the way you want to be addressed" . Say you meet someone for the first time, 30 seconds into your conversation with him, if you ask him what he knows about you he would barely have anything to say, but if you ask him to close his eyes and describe you're dressed, he would have a ton of things to say because the dressing is the first point of contact before you get to know the person's personality. A good fashion sense is a good tool when wielded accurately, could earn you as much respect and favors unimaginable. 

Fashion varies for different demographics, be it age, race, culture, Gender, country, and even religious beliefs. People dress to reflect who they are. You can see a person's fashion sense and can tell a couple of things about the person without being told. That's the power of fashion. It's has its language, it SPEAKS! 

Photo from Style blog 

A research shows that majority of ladies find shopping for fashion wears aesthetically pleasing and enjoyable, they matter of fact look forward to their next shopping break. Since the advent of the web, things has gotten even a whole lot spicier and easier, people now shop for fashion wears while in their bathtub, and have it delivered to them In a couple of hours. Young people now shop with Asos, they are an online fashion and cosmetic retailer founded in London in the year 2000. It sells over 750 different brands of clothes alongside its own clothing line. It's popular among the younger demographic because it houses clothes, designs and accessories that are targeted to the millennials. It ships to over 196 countries, it's one of the biggest retail stores. We also have some very popular ones the likes of Chanel, Gucci UK, Gucci US, Zara etc.  

It's very imperative to note that your fashion is not complete without a smile. So wear that sexy smile, and go steal that show, because you deserve it! 

Leave your comments below. Do well to reach me here, I care about your fashion. Have a blast! 


  1. Really cool... I think fashion is a way of life.

  2. This is commendable. With the various trend in fashion these days, we need some help.
    Kudos Phayvee

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